Rest, Retreat & Recover

gray and white swirls with a mauve rose

Have any of you been feeling like you can’t show up the way that you want to in life? With yourself, your family, friends, business, joy? 

Have you been feeling like no matter what you do it is not enough, and then in turn become hard on yourself, blame yourself or shame yourself? 

Have you been feeling so many different emotions at once, or physical symptoms, or spiritual confusion? Perhaps mental despair? 

The Dark Night of the Soul can push us into very uncomfortable places. Life circumstances, situations on our path, unexpected events and trials can have us struggling to keep going every day. 

You may find yourself going through the motions just to get by, just to get through the day. Perhaps this has happened to you before, and now after some time of peace it is happening again. 

You may have noticed my absence recently, one of many, from social media and workshops. This particular time away was a bit longer. Lately I have been riding out another Dark Night (one of many) and the Void Space that follows. And while navigating this space, I ended up being admitted to the hospital with a health issue. So I have been doing a lot of resting, resting and more resting. 

Mystery health issues (and not so mystery) have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. This includes mental health, too. The different stages I find myself in at times have me feeling as though I can not show up the way that I want to. Having to postpone or cancel gatherings, missing out on events and activities. There are times when my work is put on the back burner because my only focus should be resting and recovering. 

I can say, putting things on hold or missing out can feel terrible. It then becomes a self-blame game, being hard on yourself for not “doing enough” or being where you feel you should be at this time. 

One of the hardest things I am learning on this journey is to be gentle with myself, to nurture myself and no longer shame myself for where I am at. Learning to rest and relinquish control has been quite the experience! (I am not always good at it but I have gotten so much better - SO much better). 

Sometimes this rest is to help us reconnect to ourselves, to our creativity. This allows us to come from a more authentic place instead of being forced or obligated. 

So when you see me missing in action, chances are I am listening to my Higher Self, my spirit, my inner voice and knowing. And what I am hearing is to step back and rest. Take time to nurture myself and go within. 

There will be much more content on this and what it entails. My guides often tell me my that one of the reasons my Dark Night journey and the experience of learning to reconnect with my Higher Self has been so brutal and exhausting is so that I can help others as they go through the same. 

So if you are feeling overwhelmed and frustrated by what you may be going through, or you are feeling a disconnect, please know you are not alone. You can get through it. Take time to yourself and say “no” to anything that feels like too much right now. It will be okay. 

My Higher Self and Dark Night of The Soul sessions can help support you as you navigate this stage in your journey. Please reach out if this feels right for you. 

You can watch my recent video talking more about resting and surrendering to where you are: 


Winter Solstice - Clearing & the “Evil Eye”